I have spent the better part of my time since October 6th preparing to take office. I have met with parent groups, individuals, teachers, PTAs, school staff, administration, municipal leaders across the county, and just about anyone else that was willing to meet with me. The effort has been all-consuming, but well worth it.
I have been reminded of three things. One-Everybody has an opinion. Two-Every opinion has a counter point. In essence, I am listening to what people have to say. This way, when it is time for me to cast a vote, or to express an opinion I will feel that I have really researched the topic and made the effort to seek out public opinion. This leads me to Three-It will not be humanly possible for me to make everybody happy. I will strive to do the best that I can, to seek out information and to drill down on the issues, before making a determination or casting a vote.
I am looking forward to serving the people of Wake County.